Thursday, December 22, 2011
Faithfulness mean tha people know that they can count on you. Faithfulness means that you are someone whom people can rely on. that they can put their full faith in you that what you say you will do will for sure be done.
I am told by parents time and time again how grateful they are for the presence of our Ministry in the lives of their children...why? I think it's because in this fast pace world, we are one of the only consistent things in their lives and that is what it means to be faithful or to have faithfulness.
I will be honest with you, there are so many Wednesday nights when I don't feel like having Youth Group. I am tired and I am beaten down and I don't think I can handle these students and the problems they are going through and yet I know that I need to be there and be 100% for them. I need to have faithfulness.
Last night was one of those nights. I was really tired and didn't think I could handle it but the more I thought about it, God slapped me around and made me realize I need to be Faithful to these kiddos because faithfulness is not common in their lives. But that is pretty typical in the world we live in, faithfulness is a rare commodity. As we read the scriptures we find that it is one of the RESULTS of having God's Spirit living in you. So if you claim to follow Christ this is one of the tell tale signs.
But as I pointed out earlier it is not always easy to be faithfull. We get in the way of ourselves. However if we are faithful to God in the little things of our ministries, like showing up, He will fill in the rest. Scripture says that the He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Let me give you some examples. It is those times when a parent shows their gratitude or a student gives their lives to Jesus and says they want to go into the business of helping young people find their way back to God that make a little bit of suffering worth it all. Those are the results of our faithfulness. Sticking with it even when it is hard. Being there and being consistent, even when we don't feel like it. That is faithfulness.
I pray that you will show faithfulness.
May our LORD be with you
Monday, December 12, 2011
However this experience was not a total bust. As much as I didn't want to explore my own person and brain I did find out some very enlightening information that i believe will help make me a better disciple, husband, father and pastor. One area that I scored very low in was Self-Discipline. Now for those of you who know me, this probably did not come as a surprise but to be honest, it shocked me. Not that I scored low but that I scored as low as I did. I never realized it was that bad. I always thought, I let myself slide on one or two things but I scored in the "loose cannon" category. (By the way that is not an actual category, I just made that up)
So this has forced me to think about myself and things that God said in Scripture. Self-Control is one of the RESULTS of the Spirit. One of the defining marks of a disciple and follower of Christ is that they are able to control themselves.
Control ourselves in what area?
Every Area!!!
Do you find yourself making statements like, "I know I shouldn't eat this but...." or "I know this isn't good for me but..." or "I should really get out of bed but..." or "I should really go to bed but..." or "I know it's not right but I just want to..."
We allow our impulses, our stomachs, our sinfulness to control and dictate our lives rather than living by God's standards and His Word.
Let me give you my situation. I struggle with doing devotion on a daily basis. Which is REALLY, REALLY bad. I am a pastor and I need to be in the word everyday. If I am not feeding myself how can I have anything to feed others. This is an area where I struggle with self-control, getting my butt out of bed in the morning, no matter how tired I am and getting into the word and prayer, spending quality time with God. There are many other examples I could give but I think you get the point.
So the question is now, what do we do? How do we become more self-controlled.
First identify the areas in your life that have an affect on your walk with the LORD and that you have been either giving yourself too much slack or have no discipline. For example, God has given me a gift for playing the guitar and I use it to lead others in worship every Sunday, but I don't practice on my own very much to become better. I need to buckle down and work at making myself better in this gift that God has given me. It will help me in leading the band at Church, the people in the congregation and be a testament to God's goodness and gifts in my life.
1-Identify your slack
Second notice a few things about the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control). In this list where does self control fall? The last slot! Was this done on purpose? Maybe! But the fact is the text has it last, but you would think it would be first, right?
If we are to have all of these results would it not make sense to FIRST be self controlled? You would think but that is not the case. Self control is something that we work on but it is not an effort we have to practice alone. God, is right here with us helping us along the way. Remember when we have the spirit we are not just SELF. We have the Spirit living and dwelling within us. So we need to lean heavily on God to help us become more self-controlled, we cannot do it on our own, otherwise (I think) it would have been first on the list, or a prerequisite for the Fruit of the Spirit.
Second- Lean on God
Third, it is always a good idea to have some kind of accountability. Godly people in your life who are struggling too but who can come along side you and help you in the areas you want to improve. This can be scary because you are opening yourself up, showing people you struggles and shame and dark secrets. The things is you are not alone in this, we all have them. Don't view your struggles as things to hide, view them as things to improve on so God can be glorified through you. I don't know about you but that is one of the coolest things I've heard all day. God could receive Glory and Praise because of the things that I struggle with. That sounds like GOOD NEWS, does it not?
Third-find some accountability
So I have pointed out to you the one of the area I need help with selfandspirit controlling, what is yours? What are some things you can or need to do to be more self disciplined? Identifying these areas and working on them will help to draw you closer to God and make you a better follower and person, making you more effective for the kingdom!
Monday, December 5, 2011
If you are not a follower of Christ, these are the things God has called his people too. To live these out is the most satisfying and awesome life one can have.
So today let's start with Joy!!
First let me say there is a serious difference between Happiness and Joy. Being Happy is conditioned on things outside of yourself. You get this toy or tool or game and it makes you happy but then at some point you get used to it or it becomes old hat and it doesn't make you happy anymore. You meet someone and hanging out with them makes you happy, then you part ways and the happy is over. You go to a game or watch a game on TV and your team wins and you are happy, then it's over along with the happiness.
Being happy is all about things outside of yourself.
But the RESULT of the Spirit in your life is not Happiness but JOY!!!
Joy has nothing to do with outside sources. Joy is purely from the inside. When we have the Joy of the LORD, nothing can effect it, because it does not hinge on circumstances or earthly things. Joy is that inner satisfaction of being a loved child of the King. Joy is knowing that you belong to Christ and that gives you a smile that won't go away no matter what happens.
Now I'm not saying that you will never have problems. Even though you have the Joy of the LORD the bank account still may go into the negative, the car may break down, things might be difficult at work, people will still cut you off in traffic and be rude, but with the Joy God gives us those things don't throw us off the deep end. We can still be grateful and (for lack of a better word) happy because the Joy of the LORD gives us a hope and a satisfaction that God is in control. We don't have to worry ourselves to death because of our surrounding circumstances, the Joy of the LORD that comes from God gives us that inner peace and ease of mind.
It bugs me to no end when I hear about Christ followers who struggle with things like depression and anxiety. People who depend on medication and such to find some balance and normalcy in their lives. Brothers and Sisters THAT should not be!! I'm not trying to be judgemental here but if you follow Christ depression should have no room in your life, whatsoever. Christ gives us the balance to stay out of the territory of depression and anxiety. To put it plainly, when you claim to follow Christ but let depression rule your life, it's Sin!! Let's be honest, you are letting something other that God control you and it can only control you if you grant it permission to do so. If depression dictates how your day goes, that is letting something other that God rule your life and that is Sin!!
If God has any presence in your life, Joy should be the norm and if that's not the truth for you, ASK GOD to give it to you. If you follow Christ, it's available to you. Joy comes from God!! David said to God, "Restore unto me the JOY OF THY SALVATION." It's okay to ask God, He will give it to you because that is what He wants for you!!!! That is the fruit HE wants to produce in and through you, not depression and anxiety.
We were called to be on a mission to reach a depressed and anxious world with the GREAT JOYFUL news of Jesus' love and salvation for the world. How can we do that if we, who claim to follow Christ and have this saving salvation, are anxious and depressed right along with this lost world!! We should show that following Christ gives a JOY and contentment that is beyond anything this world has to offer.
I sincerely pray that, if you are reading this and struggle with depression, you think about what is written above, pray about it and really meditate on this. Joy is a result of having God's Spirit in your life, it can and will boot out all the things in your life that keep you from having and showing the Joy of the LORD. Think about how the JOY of the LORD should be apart of your life and if it's not, what does that mean and why. What is holding you back from experiencing it and showing it. Perhaps you don't have God's Spirit within you OR you are not letting God into certain areas of your life. The areas that need exposed and healed.
our LORD and HIS JOY be with you
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The RESULTS of the Spirit
I started to read the book Forgotten God during my trip and something that I read made me have a think!
We are mostly familiar with the term "Fruit of the Spirit," but do we understand what that means?
I think we get caught up in the word "fruit," and don't really "get" what that means for us a believers. The word fruit means results or consequence of being led, by the Spirit.
So what the bible says is the RESULT of having the Spirit, being led by the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, etc. is....
Do you possess these qualities, exhibit these qualities, live out these qualities as a RESULT of having God's Spirit in your life?
If not or if you struggle with these (and I know we all do, me included) we need to do 2 things...
and ask God, the Spirit to give us and help us to live out these qualities!!!!
Our LORD is with you
Friday, November 4, 2011
This show is all about humans interacting with each other in this crisis situation. The reason it was so successful was the drama that was created by each character looking after their own interests, not caring about anyone else, back stabbing each other, etc. As people watched week after week, they feed off the dramatic situations of human no being able to live together peaceably.
I wonder what the show would have been like if every survivor was a follower of Christ. It would probably be beautiful and boring to watch, not much drama at all. They would have formed a community, shared each other's possessions, did what was best for each other rather than looking after self. Sure there would be the initial shock of living through a plane crash, but after everyone got their head on straight it would have been great. I could see the survivors sharing possessions and each other's burdens (that is another hook for the show, every character has a past). Living in a way that is true community.
Guess what? This is the way it should really be with us as followers of Christ. If we truly want to live out and carry out the mission Jesus set before us, living in community is where it starts. There is no plane crash for all of us to get over, but people are heading towards a Christ-less eternity and I think that is a lot worse. We were called to engage our neighbors and be the Light of the world and Salt of the earth in our communities.
Maybe God is calling you to start a small Life group in your home? Maybe an outreach/service group in your church? It doesn't have to be complicated or elaborate, find something you and your non-believing friends have in common and start up a group. Invite some people who are in the dark into your light, so that they can see their in the dark.
Jesus has called us to build communities and reach the people in our world with the Gospel.
Today could be your day 1
May our LORD be with you
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Great Expectations
Everything that happen was totally unexpected. The snow. Church was cancelled because of a power outage. I was suppose to speak at a retreat that didn't happen because of the before mentioned snow. It was nuts. However a lot of good came out of this craziness. Let me tell you the tale.......
Okay so like I said, I was suppose to go speak at the RLV youth group retreat up near Penn State. I was really psyched for it and (not to tut my own horn) I had a really awesome message to share. One that I was both excited about and solid with scripture, that is always a great combination. So when I heard about the coming weather, I was really praying that it would turn out to be nothing. The weather people were calling for snow laying in the grass but not the road, so I was hopeful but I think we all know how it turned out. At 9:30 am I was at the church, looking out the window at the snow covered parking lot. Needless to say I had to make a call that pained me so much, I took some Advil afterwards. Okay not really, but I think you get the point. I really wanted to go speak, I was looking forward to this trip. Abby and Zion were going to come along and we were going to make it a family thing, it was going to be great!
Well as it would happen because my day was now totally free I could go and help a student's family move to a new house. I had rented a Suburban for the Youth Corn Maze trip the night before and didn't have to return it till later that afternoon. My buddy Mike had an afternoon free and a truck that was not afraid of snow either, so we had good vehicles to get heavy moving done for them. By the way the family is a Mom and two girls, so moving heavy stuff really was not going to happen with just the three of them.
Even though I didn't get to do what I wanted, this was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I will admit at one point I thought to myself, "I just want to be done and go home to my family." I talked to Abby at one point during the afternoon and she gave me some great encouragement, she said," you are right where you need to be." She is so wise!!
It was so cool because even though these were not my plans, these were God's plans. We were doing exactly what He calls us to do. Help the widow and the orphans, show love and mercy to those who really are in need of it. This is the mission that Jesus has called us too, this is what being a follower of Christ is all about. I was so honored to be with my buddy Dan, Mike and his wife Pam, then on Sunday my friend Matt help this family find a new, fresh start.
Was it a times. Was I sore betcha. Did I want to go home to be with my wife and son...uh huh!! But sacrificing what I wanted to help a family and be the hands and feet of God far out weighted my priorities for that day.
Jesus has called us both in the New Testament and Old to help the widow, orphans, the poor, strangers, outcasts.
I also want to leave you with this. James 4:13-15, talks about that we do not know what tomorrow brings, we should never say tomorrow we will do this or that because we don't have a guarantee of tomorrow. Instead we should look to the LORD and submit ourselves to His purposes. Now I am summing those verses but thee point is the same. We need to ready and willing to submit to what God has for us to do rather than what we want to do.
I believe this requires two things from us: 1-we need to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We had tried to get some of the guys from the church to help but none were able to come. When no one showed up my first thought was, I have this truck till 5pm I can help. That was not just my thoughts, that was the Spirit because my other thought was I have nothing to do today, I can go home and have a snow day. Glad I listened to the Spirit.
2-We need to be aware of the needs of others, especially the poor, orphan, widows, etc. It was so cool to see people from the church being the church, Christians acting like Christians. We need more of this, that is what is going to save the world and bring people closer to Christ. The church being the church. Seeing the needs of others, putting those needs in front of our own and doing what we can to fulfill those needs.
who can you help this week?
how can you be the church?
how can God interrupt your plans for the better?
May our LORD be with you
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Forsake me not
When we finally got to decompress from the night and my mind was just wondering, a phrase from the scriptures popped into my head. God says I will never leave you nor forsake you. Sometimes I don't think we understand the full gravity of that statement. When we are hurting God is right beside us hurting and going through the pain and struggle with us. The Bible says God is close to the broken hearted. When we go through struggles, even when they are caused by our own sinful actions, God is there. When we feel pain from lose, God is there. When we are in the pits because of our actions, God is there.
He will never leave you nor forsake you. That means even when you don't feel like God is there, He is because He said He would be. Never leave, never forsake.
There is this really cool story in the 1st book of the Chronicles of Narnia. The character Digory is telling Aslan the great Lion about his sick mother and asking if there is anything Aslan can do to help her. As he is talking he becomes emotional and begins to cry, overwhelmed with the reality that his mother is dying. He looks down at the ground and see his tears forming a small puddle but directly across from him he sees an even bigger puddle of tears. He looks up and sees Aslan weeping with him because of his pain and suffering.
God says, I will never leave you nor forsake you. In your time of trouble, pain, suffering, sin; you can always count on that.
May our LORD be with you
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Past
I was reading through some of my old journal entries, if you ever want to see what kind of progress you are making or see how far you have come, keep a journal, it is always an interesting read. But I'm looking through past entries and thinking about some of the things I have experienced in the past year and I am just amazed at how good God has been.
Specifically I want to mention the church plant that I tried to start. Now I am not saying that I or God has taken church planting totally off the table for my life, I'm still working through a lot of stuff but for right now it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. But when I think back to all that happened I have this temptation to think it was a failure and I am a failure.
That is not the truth, I had to go through those experiences to be brought to this point in my life believing the things I do and thinking the ways that I do. It was not a failure, it was something God took me through to teach and stretch and grow me.
If you are reading this today I want you to know that there is no place too low that God can't reach. Where ever you are in life, what ever you are going through, if you want, God can turn you around. He can take any circumstance and turn it into something new, something to give Him credit. If you give your life over to God, He can take you on a journey that years from now you will look back and say to yourself "look where I was and where God has brought me," and I can guarantee you will say it with a smile. You will see the pit you were in and the height of the mountain God has you on now.
Every time i look behind me and see where I have been I am always...always...ALWAYS amazed at where God has brought me and how good He has been. I have faith that He will do the same for you, if you allow Him.
May our LORD be with you
Monday, October 17, 2011
Eye of the Beholder
Now this isn't the norm for us, this was kind of a perfect storm, everything just seemed to fall on the same weekend but at this point in my life I really don't like when things like this happen. I never thought I would say this because I have always been an "On the Go" kind of guy. I like being at home and not having a billion things to do that occupy every single moment of my day. With my wife and son, I want to be at home and spend time with them. It's funny how God has changed me in this way.
But what I wanted to write about today was something that happened while we were playing at the Rally. We are up on stage playing our set of "coffee house" music and Zion was running around the gym giving Angie Naugle a workout trying to keep up with him. As we are playing and I'm watching him run around I remember thinking to myself that I should really concentrate more on the song we were playing so I didn't get lost and mess up. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I don't even remember what he was doing but I couldn't stop watching him. He was so adorable, I think he was running away from Angie or just doing something cute, he is really good at that.
That made me think, if I, an imperfect human being, can love and adore my child how much more does God love and adore us? How much more does He watch over us and shower us with love all the time?
Most of us who are parents can relate to this idea of how much we love our children. If you have kids and don't love them with every fiber of your being and would not give up anything for their safety, then stop reading this right now cause I am not talking to you. There is something seriously wrong with you for denying the parental instinct that God himself gave us. The instinct that is fashion after his own love and parental nature.
I am talking to those who have and love their children with everything they've got!!
I believe we were created this way by God after the image of how He is a great parent to us. Jesus said it like this, if the sparrow and the grass of the earth are taken care of, why don't we believe that God loves us enough to take care of us? God the Father is not just a Father, He is the greatest parent ever!
You might say, God doesn't love me He didn't give me this or He took this from me. Doesn't a good parent know when it's best to give to their children, discipline their children, withhold wants (not needs) from their children? Good parents put the needs of their children before their own.
You might say, God made a mistake, I was really suppose to be born this way or that way. Let me ask you this, does it ever really work when we tried putting our reasoning above that of our parents? If we were to get want we wanted, all the time as children, based on our reasoning, we would all be fat and lazy. It never worked (or made sense for that matter) when we tried to put our reasoning of situation above that of our parents, so why do we think it would work with God?
No matter what you believe, I am telling you now, the bible I read says that God is a loving, caring, steadfast, faithful Father who will never ever ever ever ever ever ever...ever let you down. Just like I couldn't take me eyes off my son, He will never take His eyes off of you. Watching out for you, loving you and caring for you if you would only let Him.
may our LORD be with you
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
What is a disciple
So...what does it mean to be a disciple.
Along with my reading through Deuteronomy, I want to do a study on what Jesus has to say on this subject. I have a suspision that our thoughts on this subject may be off.
The definition of a disciple is one who accepts and helps to spread the message of another.
Did you catch that second part, it is the difference between a convert of Jesus and a disciple of Jesus. A disciple spreads the message of Jesus, making more disciples. True disciples make more disciples.
So I had to ask myself this question and I pose this question to you. If a true disciple makes other disciples, am I a disciple or just a convert. Jesus gave us statement after statement telling us that we are to tell others about God and make more disciples.
What are you doing to make more disciples
Something to think about
May our LORD be with you
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Remember the LORD
This morning I came across this verse that I have heard before but it was awesome to read it again and meditate on it. Deut. 8 talks about remembering the LORD Your God. Specifically Moses is recounting to the people of Israel all that God has done for them and reminding them of how good God has been through their rebellion. He tells them that God is giving them a land that has everything they will ever need to live, be wealthy and fruitful. He goes on to warn them in verse 17, that they not think too highly of themselves. That all the things God is providing for them, that they not say I did this or my power has brought me that. My hard work has gained me all that I have. Essentially Moses is telling the people, be careful not to forget that all that you have is a gift from God.
So think about everything that you have. The car, the house, food on the table, money to spend on this hobby or that activity, the water that comes out of your tap. Do you believe that all these things are a gift from God or do you think that you have earned these things by your own power and the strength of your hands?
Did you know?.?.?...
America represents 6% of the world's population but we consume 40% of it's resources.
92% of the people in the world do not have a car.
1 billion people do not have clean drinking water.
800 million people will not eat anything today, 300 million of them are children.
1 million people live on less than $1 a day.
The majority of people in the world suffer every single day from simple things like not having anything to eat or anything to drink, yet we complain when our iPhones don't load the Pizza Hut menu fast enough.
DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that your world is THE world. Furthermore DO NOT make the bigger mistake of forgetting that all you have is a gift from God. The question is will you use these gifts to serve yourself or Him?
Jesus has called, is calling and always will call us to live in a way that serves others. How can you use your car, house, food, money to serve Him and in turn serve others?
May our LORD be with you
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
It was the best trip and one of the best times I've ever had with the guys. Here is a picture of the glorious steak, cheese and grease, to give you an idea:
But the whole night was great!! First we saw a car on fire when we got on the turnpike. No one was injured, thankfully. Here is a video to get an idea. By the way I just figured out how to upload pictures and videos into this blog so I am going all out!!!
On the way down we realized that we didn't have directions, so we got some from Mike's phone and kind of winged it. We made it successfully to the Philly Museum of Art and ran up the steps without dying, it was easier than I thought it would be. Stallone made it seem a lot more intense than it is. But we went to get cheesesteaks, drove back to the turnpike witht the top down, it was a great trip.
We enjoyed some time on the steps of the Art Museum, talking, viewing the skyline and getting a little sentimental. Then Tory made a comment that really made me reflect on God and how good He is. He said, "The weather tonight is really nice!" Now I don't know if you can remember but we have been having pretty RAINY weather as of late. So it was actually odd that this night the rain had stopped and held off.
That made me think. This was the perfect night for us to have this trip. The weather was great, not too hot or cold. All of our schedules allowed us to do this and not have to get back super early for anything super early the next day, it was perfect!!
I'm not trying to sound conceded here but I believe that God orchestrated that perfect night just for us. Now I know it wasn't JUST FOR US, but I do believe it was for us. This trip is one of the last ones we will take before Tory gets married in October. Now that doesn't mean after he is married we aren't going to hang out at all but marriage and such does change the landscape of life a little.
This night will hold a special place in my memory for the rest of my life. It was a great trip with two brothers that I love dearly and I praise God that He gave us this special night with all it's jokes and quirks and good times.
The bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means that He will always be good, always no matter what. God does the right things for the right reasons everytime, even when we can't see it.
Even though things in our lives will change, He does not, He will always be good. I thought when we were on the steps talking that some day, we will come back to that place. I said to the guys we will be back with our families. We will see our kids running around the fountain, playing on the plaza in front of the museum together. That will be a huge change, but God will still be good.
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!
Here is one final video for you. Enjoy!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Are You Listening?
So can I start by asking a question? When was the last time you had a vision while praying to the LORD? When was the last time God gave you some direct instructions, to do or not to do something? When was the last time God told you to do something while your were fasting and praying?
I have been reading how the Holy Spirit speaks to us His people and I found some really interesting things. Let me tell you three different scenarios.
Philip was told by the Spirit to go talk to the Ethiopian in his chariot-Acts 8:29.
Peter had a vision from the LORD while praying-Acts 10:10.
Paul and Barnabas were set on a mission trip by the Holy Spirit-Acts 13:4.
So here we have 3 different times when God told one of His followers, directly, what they should do. When was the last time something like that happened to you?? My guess is a long time, if ever!!
Does this mean that God is different now than He was back then? Absolutely NOT!!! The bible is clear, God is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means that it's not God who changed the way He speaks, it is us who changed the way we listen. Do we give God the opportunity to speak to us directly? I don't think so. In this fast pace society, we don't take the proper amount of time to spend with the LORD.
In each of these examples the Spirit spoke because the person gave the time and was open to being spoken too. It says that after the Spirit spoke to Philip, "he rose and went." This means he was sitting and probably praying or meditating. Peter went onto the rooftop to pray when he had his vision. Paul and Barnabas were in the midst of a church-wide praying and fasting worship time, when the Spirit told the congregation to "set aside Paul and Baranabas for work that I have for them." Can you imagine?!? When was the last time your church had a whole congregation fasting?!?
These early believers made Jesus such a priority in their lives that they took time out of their day to pray and meditate and fast and worship and listen and be open to the Spirit speaking to them.
One other cool thing about these scenes is that they tested the Spirit. Now notice they didn't put God to the test. They tested the Spirit to make sure that what was being said was from God and not some other place. After Peter had his vision, Chapter 10 says while Peter was pondering the vision, the Spirit told him some men were looking for Him. After the Spirit spoke to the congregation is says, after fasting and praying, they laid their hands on them (praying some more) and sent them off.
So not only did these characters simply pray, they then took time to meditate and ponder or pray some more about what was spoken. They made it a priority each day to spend a great amount of time in the LORD's presence. It wasn't a fly by, do this as quick as I can to get it out of the way thing either. When I was a youth my pastor encouraged us to just take 5 minutes out of our day. 5 minutes!! Creator, Savior, LORD, God only deserves 5 minutes of my day?!? Let's get real.
Friends hear me on this, what I am talking about is real growth and maturity in our walk with Jesus. I have been feeling over the past months that it is time for us, me especially to stop living half way for Jesus and start producing some real fruit and maturity. Honestly that is what I want for all of us who claim to love Jesus. This is my soap box thing!!! I'm not trying to sound radical or anything, (of course all the "radical Christian things" I hear about today actually line up with what scripture says we should be doing, but whatever) I truly want to see us, followers of Jesus grow and mature and be effective.
Spending personal time with God is one of my biggest struggles. I am becoming more and more convicted of my lack of discipline, and I think it time for others feel this way as well. Maturity is not going to happen by itself, I need to make it happen. That means I may need to get up a half hour earlier to pray and study. Or quit this sports team or that club because it is getting in the way of what really matter. Or stop taking time to watch this TV show or that movie because it is hindering me from having an eternal focus. Do what I have to do!
God is the same today as He was back then, so He will speak to us the same direct way, if we are open to being spoken too. It's not that God can't or doesn't speak to us on fly by the moment situations but I believe we need to slow down and take time to hear His voice. When we give Him the opportunity to speak to us and open ourselves up to the Spirit, I have confidence that we will hear Him.
May our LORD be with you
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Confession Time
So call it impatience or restlessness, whatever. I have not written anything in a few months and I was really feeling the itch, but also feeling not ready. As I said in one of my previous posts God has been teaching and growing me in the last few months. But I was chomping at the bit to I did.
I don't know what you think, but my last two posts have not felt right. They have felt awkward at best. I'm not saying that God can't use them to speak to someone, He is Soverign. I just haven't felt right.
Then it hit me, I have been writing things about God, without feeling the inspriration of God. Why?? Because I wanted to put stuff out there. See I have this terrible longing to be well known or famous in the "Christian community" for my amazing writings and thinking. I see guys like John Piper, Francis Chan, Rob Bell and others and think, "Man, I want to be in the spotlight just like them." The only problem is, when I pull the spotlight off of Jesus and onto myself I have completely lost the purpose and focus of my writing. Even when I'm writing about God, I, personally have to stay focused on God. When I begin to focus on myself and wanting the credit and acclaim for anything, I have spat in God's face.
So....I am sorry. I aplologize to you (the reader), I ask forgiveness from the LORD for this fault in myself. Even I have to go long periods without writing, I will not writing or say anything with out the prompting of the LORD. That is just the way it has to be.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Old Memories
Why, oh WHY!!! did I ever let myself do some of the things I did or let myself be photographed doing them. Now I realize that in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal and the embarrassment is mostly shared by everyone else, so like I said not a big deal. We all did crazy things in our youth and especially if you were a "YFCer" crazy and embarrassing was part of the deal.
I have never thought of myself as a sentimental or nostalgic kind of a man but I have to say these photos have provoked some deep thinking with in me. I look back on my photographed childhood and think, "Was I ever crazy and at times immature." Not only do I think about my teen years but the years leading up to and after high school. I think about the paths I have taken to lead me to the place I am at right now. Life certainly has not turned out the way I planned and thought it should. Don't get me wrong I would not trade my experiences and my life for anything. I couldn't imagine my life without Abby and Zion, even though when I was 14 and these photos were taken I didn't know her or even think, "hey some day I'm gonna marry that girl."
All of the choices I have made, the achievements (though few), the failures (though many), all of it has played a significant part in shaping the person I am today. Even though there are some things in my life I wish I could improve or change, i can find contentment knowing that God has been guiding me this whole time.
Most of us who are followers of Christ know that verse in Jeremiah that says I know the plans I have for declares the LORD, plans for a hope and future, for good not evil. Even though God was speaking to the Jews I believe this verse can apply to each of us individually.
Think about this!!
We have the freedom of choice, God does not make us do anything, we have freewill. However, do not forget the kind of limitless, infinite God we serve.
When I look at these photos and reflect on all the bad choices I have made I don't come down on myself, I realize that the God who loves me without end has taken my decisions and used them for His purposes. So even though I am not where I think I should, I know that because of my relationship with Jesus I am right where He wants me.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
It's been too long!!
However, this time I am approaching resurrection of my "blogging" (I hate 21st century terms like that) in a totally different way. I see now that those times when I don't write anything for an extended period, those are the times that God teaches me the most and hopefully the times that I learn the most. All the ideas I get for my writing and sermons and such comes from these times of silent growth. I truly hope that this time I can keep up with this and produce more devotionals but I don't feel so bad leaving such a long time period in between times when I'm really cranking them out and when I have nothing to say.
I do apologize to any of you out there who enjoying reading these. I don't mean to purposefully neglect writing (and anyway y'all should be reading and studying on your own). But it is in these times that God teaches me and I actually have something to write about down the road.
It has been a wild couple of months. With the church planting going up and down, back and forth and finally landing at a place we can let God do his thing, I have learned a great and grown a great amount.
That is the point though isn't it??
Something that God has been laying on my heart recently is what the bible calls sanctification. Which is a big fancy word that means the process God takes us through to take on more godly characteristics and become more like him. Rich Mullins once said "God became one of us, so we could become more like Him."
I have been more and more convicted that if I am not growing and maturing in my relationship with God and becoming closer to him, than I am staying stagnate and in essence dying. As followers of Christ we should be striving to grow closer to God and falling more in love with Jesus. He himself said if you love me you will obey my commands. To obey the commands of Christ is in itself to draw closer to him. You can't have one without the other.
Paul says in Galatians that we should walk by the Spirit. I believe that is allowing God to transform and change you. Don't think that it can't happen to you. Sometimes when I look at people like Francis Chan or John Piper, I think that could never be me. But the only thing they and others have going to keeping in step with the Spirit. Paul also says that we should say Yes to the Spirit and not the desires of the flesh. When we say yes to the Spirit and no to the flesh (because they are polar opposite) we are becoming more like God.
Are you striving or even wanting to be more like God or take on more godly characteristics? I'm not trying to sound judgemental but if you claim to be a "Christian" but have no change in your life or desire to change anything in your life, I would rethink that title you give yourself. Like I said I don't want to come off judgemental but I think the time has come for truth and not political correctness. Paul said if there is one who claims to be a believer but their life does not reflect it, cast him out and let him come to repentance.
Read the bible for yourself and see if your life matches up with what God is calling His people too. If you are not growing and maturing or obey Jesus' commands...really what is the point of calling yourself a follower??
Thursday, January 20, 2011
BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!
Then the only computer that we have right now, that we plug into our tv so we actually have stuff to watch (because we don't have cable) and use for everything else a computer is supposed to be used for, broke. The battery does not hold a charge, and the tip of the wall plug in broke off making it impossible to plug in and use.
Then our beloved son put Abby's cell phone in the dog dish, I guess he wanted to baptise it in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The only problem is the phone could not take the spiritual experience and died on the spot. Which is not a huge deal except the fact that phone company has no sympathy for us and won't activate another phone with her number, rendering us to one functioning phone.
Then the key for our only car broke, now the silver lining is it broke off in the ignition so we can still start it and drive it but that is only a temporary fix.
Our dogs have been freaking out lately, digging into the trash and spreading it all over the house and using out living room carpet as their own personal bathroom.
And last night Abby and I found out that some rumor's have been circulated throughout our youth students, pretty much slandering Abby and I all in an attempt to stop kids from coming to out Group.
Now you may be saying to yourself "Wow that sounds like a lot of stuff" to which you would be correct. But you may also be wondering why I am telling you this. Believe me it is not to complain, as crazy as it sounds I am rejoicing in all that is happening, let me explain further.
In the same 3 weeks that all that stuff has happened, this is what else has been happening. The kids in our Youth Group are going through some really tough times and we are making some great breakthroughs helping these families out. We are so close to getting to the root of some problems and what we are studying is extremely life changing.
Crossway Community Fellowship had it first "Public" service which we had 22 people, then last week we had our second with 28 people. Our services are really awesome, the worship is great, we are praying for each other, sharing each other's burdens. It's been amazing, and God is really moving.
I started school again and am jazzed to get this class under my belt.
That rumor about us, after all the dust settled, gave us the opportunity to invite one of the Mom's of two youth students to our church, who has been looking for a church to go to.
Does anybody else hear that?? The enemy is shaking their boots.
Jesus said in John 16:33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. but take heart I have overcome the world." I think this is especially true if you are a follower of Christ in this world because we are moving towards a higher calling and the enemy does everything they can to keep us from that calling.
Now we could look at all this that is going on and be discouraged and give up. But I'm not giving up I know that God is moving and making our efforts worthwhile. He is doing great things in us and we just need to trust in Him and keep pushing through.
So let me say this, Satan you can do to us whatever you want we are not giving up, we are not backing down. As the great philosopher Tom Petty once sang, "you can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down." I know that God is upholding us in all that we do, so give it your best shot, we are not going to stop. Jesus has already conquered you and I am putting my faith in him anew, every day. Bring it on, because you are not going to win, we are going to plow forward and God is going to change lives and save his people!!!!!!