I love the way that God works!! I have recently done a study on what it means to be a disciple. I was preaching a few weeks ago and that was part of my sermon. Then I had a small group the following Tuesday in which we talked about discipleship. Different things and views were mentions but basically the same things were said.
So...what does it mean to be a disciple.
Along with my reading through Deuteronomy, I want to do a study on what Jesus has to say on this subject. I have a suspision that our thoughts on this subject may be off.
The definition of a disciple is one who accepts and helps to spread the message of another.
Did you catch that second part, it is the difference between a convert of Jesus and a disciple of Jesus. A disciple spreads the message of Jesus, making more disciples. True disciples make more disciples.
So I had to ask myself this question and I pose this question to you. If a true disciple makes other disciples, am I a disciple or just a convert. Jesus gave us statement after statement telling us that we are to tell others about God and make more disciples.
What are you doing to make more disciples
Something to think about
May our LORD be with you
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