Lately I have been thinking about the past. What I've come from, where I've come from, what God has brought me through. Now I don't have a great testimony like some. I didn't come from drugs or the sex industry or witchcraft but my story is my story and God has shown me stuff and brought me through certain situations to teach me things and to help point others to Jesus.
I was reading through some of my old journal entries, if you ever want to see what kind of progress you are making or see how far you have come, keep a journal, it is always an interesting read. But I'm looking through past entries and thinking about some of the things I have experienced in the past year and I am just amazed at how good God has been.
Specifically I want to mention the church plant that I tried to start. Now I am not saying that I or God has taken church planting totally off the table for my life, I'm still working through a lot of stuff but for right now it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. But when I think back to all that happened I have this temptation to think it was a failure and I am a failure.
That is not the truth, I had to go through those experiences to be brought to this point in my life believing the things I do and thinking the ways that I do. It was not a failure, it was something God took me through to teach and stretch and grow me.
If you are reading this today I want you to know that there is no place too low that God can't reach. Where ever you are in life, what ever you are going through, if you want, God can turn you around. He can take any circumstance and turn it into something new, something to give Him credit. If you give your life over to God, He can take you on a journey that years from now you will look back and say to yourself "look where I was and where God has brought me," and I can guarantee you will say it with a smile. You will see the pit you were in and the height of the mountain God has you on now.
Every time i look behind me and see where I have been I am always...always...ALWAYS amazed at where God has brought me and how good He has been. I have faith that He will do the same for you, if you allow Him.
May our LORD be with you
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