Right now I am reading through the book of Deuteronomy. I've started this 100 days of reading through the bible regiment. Only the regiment picks out certain portions of scripture so in essence you get the main storyline of the bible the whole way through, not the book in it's entirety. But Deuteronomy was not one chosen, so when I got to the end of Exodus and about to skip ahead to Joshua I thought to myself I really want to read through Deuteronomy because I never have, so here I am.
This morning I came across this verse that I have heard before but it was awesome to read it again and meditate on it. Deut. 8 talks about remembering the LORD Your God. Specifically Moses is recounting to the people of Israel all that God has done for them and reminding them of how good God has been through their rebellion. He tells them that God is giving them a land that has everything they will ever need to live, be wealthy and fruitful. He goes on to warn them in verse 17, that they not think too highly of themselves. That all the things God is providing for them, that they not say I did this or my power has brought me that. My hard work has gained me all that I have. Essentially Moses is telling the people, be careful not to forget that all that you have is a gift from God.
So think about everything that you have. The car, the house, food on the table, money to spend on this hobby or that activity, the water that comes out of your tap. Do you believe that all these things are a gift from God or do you think that you have earned these things by your own power and the strength of your hands?
Did you know?.?.?...
America represents 6% of the world's population but we consume 40% of it's resources.
92% of the people in the world do not have a car.
1 billion people do not have clean drinking water.
800 million people will not eat anything today, 300 million of them are children.
1 million people live on less than $1 a day.
The majority of people in the world suffer every single day from simple things like not having anything to eat or anything to drink, yet we complain when our iPhones don't load the Pizza Hut menu fast enough.
DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that your world is THE world. Furthermore DO NOT make the bigger mistake of forgetting that all you have is a gift from God. The question is will you use these gifts to serve yourself or Him?
Jesus has called, is calling and always will call us to live in a way that serves others. How can you use your car, house, food, money to serve Him and in turn serve others?
May our LORD be with you
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