It was the best trip and one of the best times I've ever had with the guys. Here is a picture of the glorious steak, cheese and grease, to give you an idea:
But the whole night was great!! First we saw a car on fire when we got on the turnpike. No one was injured, thankfully. Here is a video to get an idea. By the way I just figured out how to upload pictures and videos into this blog so I am going all out!!!
On the way down we realized that we didn't have directions, so we got some from Mike's phone and kind of winged it. We made it successfully to the Philly Museum of Art and ran up the steps without dying, it was easier than I thought it would be. Stallone made it seem a lot more intense than it is. But we went to get cheesesteaks, drove back to the turnpike witht the top down, it was a great trip.
We enjoyed some time on the steps of the Art Museum, talking, viewing the skyline and getting a little sentimental. Then Tory made a comment that really made me reflect on God and how good He is. He said, "The weather tonight is really nice!" Now I don't know if you can remember but we have been having pretty RAINY weather as of late. So it was actually odd that this night the rain had stopped and held off.
That made me think. This was the perfect night for us to have this trip. The weather was great, not too hot or cold. All of our schedules allowed us to do this and not have to get back super early for anything super early the next day, it was perfect!!
I'm not trying to sound conceded here but I believe that God orchestrated that perfect night just for us. Now I know it wasn't JUST FOR US, but I do believe it was for us. This trip is one of the last ones we will take before Tory gets married in October. Now that doesn't mean after he is married we aren't going to hang out at all but marriage and such does change the landscape of life a little.
This night will hold a special place in my memory for the rest of my life. It was a great trip with two brothers that I love dearly and I praise God that He gave us this special night with all it's jokes and quirks and good times.
The bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means that He will always be good, always no matter what. God does the right things for the right reasons everytime, even when we can't see it.
Even though things in our lives will change, He does not, He will always be good. I thought when we were on the steps talking that some day, we will come back to that place. I said to the guys we will be back with our families. We will see our kids running around the fountain, playing on the plaza in front of the museum together. That will be a huge change, but God will still be good.
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!
Here is one final video for you. Enjoy!!
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