Monday, December 5, 2011


My last post has really impacted me. I have been rattling ideas around in my head for my blog and I keep coming back to the idea of the RESULTS of the Spirit. Mostly because I feel that most believers SHOULD be displaying these results but DON'T. So I would like to hit each one and just give my thoughts on them. Because let's be honest with each other, if you claim to be a follower of Christ, God should be producing each of these characteristics in, through and out of you. And if you are not producing these things or struggle to produce these things, perhaps you need to do some serious business with God, if you claim to be a follower of Christ. I am not trying to put any one's salvation on trial here, but Scripture is clear, if you follow Christ these should be the results of God's presence in you life.
If you are not a follower of Christ, these are the things God has called his people too. To live these out is the most satisfying and awesome life one can have.

So today let's start with Joy!!

First let me say there is a serious difference between Happiness and Joy. Being Happy is conditioned on things outside of yourself. You get this toy or tool or game and it makes you happy but then at some point you get used to it or it becomes old hat and it doesn't make you happy anymore. You meet someone and hanging out with them makes you happy, then you part ways and the happy is over. You go to a game or watch a game on TV and your team wins and you are happy, then it's over along with the happiness.
Being happy is all about things outside of yourself.

But the RESULT of the Spirit in your life is not Happiness but JOY!!!

Joy has nothing to do with outside sources. Joy is purely from the inside. When we have the Joy of the LORD, nothing can effect it, because it does not hinge on circumstances or earthly things. Joy is that inner satisfaction of being a loved child of the King. Joy is knowing that you belong to Christ and that gives you a smile that won't go away no matter what happens.

Now I'm not saying that you will never have problems. Even though you have the Joy of the LORD the bank account still may go into the negative, the car may break down, things might be difficult at work, people will still cut you off in traffic and be rude, but with the Joy God gives us those things don't throw us off the deep end. We can still be grateful and (for lack of a better word) happy because the Joy of the LORD gives us a hope and a satisfaction that God is in control. We don't have to worry ourselves to death because of our surrounding circumstances, the Joy of the LORD that comes from God gives us that inner peace and ease of mind.

It bugs me to no end when I hear about Christ followers who struggle with things like depression and anxiety. People who depend on medication and such to find some balance and normalcy in their lives. Brothers and Sisters THAT should not be!! I'm not trying to be judgemental here but if you follow Christ depression should have no room in your life, whatsoever. Christ gives us the balance to stay out of the territory of depression and anxiety. To put it plainly, when you claim to follow Christ but let depression rule your life, it's Sin!! Let's be honest, you are letting something other that God control you and it can only control you if you grant it permission to do so. If depression dictates how your day goes, that is letting something other that God rule your life and that is Sin!!

If God has any presence in your life, Joy should be the norm and if that's not the truth for you, ASK GOD to give it to you. If you follow Christ, it's available to you. Joy comes from God!! David said to God, "Restore unto me the JOY OF THY SALVATION." It's okay to ask God, He will give it to you because that is what He wants for you!!!! That is the fruit HE wants to produce in and through you, not depression and anxiety.

We were called to be on a mission to reach a depressed and anxious world with the GREAT JOYFUL news of Jesus' love and salvation for the world. How can we do that if we, who claim to follow Christ and have this saving salvation, are anxious and depressed right along with this lost world!! We should show that following Christ gives a JOY and contentment that is beyond anything this world has to offer.

I sincerely pray that, if you are reading this and struggle with depression, you think about what is written above, pray about it and really meditate on this. Joy is a result of having God's Spirit in your life, it can and will boot out all the things in your life that keep you from having and showing the Joy of the LORD. Think about how the JOY of the LORD should be apart of your life and if it's not, what does that mean and why. What is holding you back from experiencing it and showing it. Perhaps you don't have God's Spirit within you OR you are not letting God into certain areas of your life. The areas that need exposed and healed.

our LORD and HIS JOY be with you

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