The students in our Youth Group are going through a lot right now. Obviously I'm not going to go into any details but a good number of them are struggling with real life problems. Some of them have been with us for a number of years and we have seen and worked through a good bit of junk. Problem after problem after problem it seems, it makes me stop and think, when are we going to see real change in these teens. When are we going to see the fruit of our labor and lead these students to a relationship with Jesus that will ignite a massive fire within them. So much so that their love for Christ spreads and their friends become believers.
The truth is, we may never see that. It may never happen in my life time or in the time that we have to minister to these kids. That is heart breaking but comforting all at the same time.
It was the same for the prophets, not that I am comparing myself to the prophets but part of the job descriptions match up here. The prophets spent their lives telling people about a hope that they themselves would never get to see, they spoke of a Savior and Messiah that would never come in their lifetime.
How hard would that be?
All the work, all the suffering they went through and they wouldn't even get to enjoy any of the benefits. Did that stop them though, no way!! They spoke with boldness and clarity and never gave up or backed down. So, neither should we. As workers, ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we should never give up on people. We may not see the results of all the love we have poured into them, or the seeds that we planted but that shouldn't stop us. God is the one who ultimately does the work and the people we minister to are in his care, not ours. It didn't stop the prophets, they knew what they were doing would take generations and centuries to come to completion but they did it any way.
I love the words of Amos the prophet in Amos 7:14 and I hope this brings you encouragement
"Then Amos answered and said to Amaziah,'I was not a prophet, nor a prophets son, but i was a herdsman and a dresser of sycamore figs. But the LORD took me from following the flock, and the LORD said to me, 'Go, prophesy to my people Israel.' Now therefore hear the word of the LORD."
May our LORD be with you
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