Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Getting Culture Out of Our Faith

This is the write out of the sermon I preached this past Sunday.  Enjoy!!

           I want to start off by telling a story.  A year or two ago we took the Youth Group backpacking.  On that trip Abby and I had the great idea of bringing our two dogs.  It was good at first, they behaved, really enjoyed the exercise, they had a great time.  The problem came when we were done with the hiking and took the students to the lake near the trails, so go swimming.  There were lots of people around and lots of other dogs.  Now what you have to understand is our dogs are very large and very playful.  So when they see another dog they want to go and play, the problem is the other dogs just see these two gigantic beast coming at them.  So needless to say I had to play a lot of let's go this way, no let's turn back around and go that way, to avoid causing a scene. 

            At one point in the day we were near the lake at a spot that was kind of hidden so it was working out.  Until, that is, one of my dogs slipped out of her collar.  I started to panic, I had no idea what she was going to do, or go.  There were some people picnincing near by and she hustled over to them to charm her way to some food.  So there I am trying to keep a hold of one dog while chasing the other one down.  The thing I remember most is, I was totally alone.  There were lots of people there watching me, but no one go up to lend a hand.  Not one single person!  In fact it seemed the more she was around them, the more they avoided her and me trying to rescue her. 

            Thinking back on that story, I am still shocked at the scene but, you know, that is the way our culture is these days.  Everyone seems to have the attitude of "Look out for #1," and "that is none of my business,". 

            Now if you are not a follower of Jesus you get to pick and choose what you want to do with this here but, if you are a follower of Jesus, the bible says that we are to be counter cultural.  We are not to fit into the square peg that is the norm, we are to stand out and be different form the people of this world.  God says in Colossians 3, that as followers of Jesus, we are to focus on things above not on earthly things.  It goes like this, "since  you have been raised with Christ," meaning if you are a follower of Jesus, we are talking to Christians/church goers here.  "Set," meaning you stand something in a specific position, in this case we are talking about you, yourself.  "Set your hearts on things above," this is talking about what you seek after, needs to be heavenly things, "where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father".  We as followers of Jesus are to specifically position ourselves to seek after heavenly things because that is where Jesus is and we should be seeking after Him. 

            Then it goes on, "set your minds," again, specifically position your thoughts, intellect, the way you process information and reason, "on things above, not earthly things,".  Let's think about it this way.  We are to have our hearts and minds, what we seek after and our reasoning skills, positioned on following Jesus, so much so that it is like we are with Him in the heavenly places, looking down on earthly things.  This is not a pride, we are better than you kind of thing, this is a we have found something so wonderful, so much greater than what the culture and world has to offer, we are way up here looking down on earthly stuff and saying, that is not worth it.  In Jesus we have found the greatest of the great and we are not giving it up for any of that stuff. 

            Friends, that is what it means to be counter cultural.  Sadly though, there are a few things in our culture that have crept their way into the lives of Jesus followers.  There are two areas that I want to cover, culture practices and culture thinking and I want to mention a few specific things with those two categories because I have noticed that Christians in general and even people in my own church, whether out of rebellion or ignorance, believe in these things and involve them in their lives. 

            The first thing under culture practices is the belief in Ghosts and house hauntings.  There is absolutely no biblical support for disembodied spirit of a human wandering the earth.  The bible says in Hebrews 9:27,"just as it is appointed for man to die once and after that comes judgement."  What that means is, we are a physical being and a spiritual being, once this physical body stops working our spirit transcend into eternity to either spend it with God or apart from God.  Our spirit does not pass go, does not collect $200.  Once we die here on earth, we transcend into eternity, our spirits do not stay here on earth.  There are spiritual beings that can transcend the physical world and spiritual world, they are called Angels which are sealed by God to do his will and Demons who are fallen angels who joined Satan in the rebellion.  The bible gives plenty of support for them. 

            So let's think about this logically shall we, if when we die and go into eternity with no possibility of staying here on earth but there are beings that can travel between the physical and spiritual world and on group only does what points out God and gives Him glory, what can we logically deduce from this?  The phenomena we chalk up to ghosts are nothing more than the enemy trying to turn our focus away from God and the truth.  Satan and his demons will use whatever means necessary to turn you away, make you believe lies and pull you away from the truth of God's word. 

            I am not saying this to scare any of you, I am saying this to expose you to the truth that there is no such things as ghosts, no matter what kind of eerie feelings or weird things you experience, it is nothing more than the enemy trying to make you believe a lie. 

            But the bible says that greater is He who lives in us than he who is in the world.  So the next time you may experience strange things don't jump to the conclusion that it must be paranormal, set your heart on Jesus and pray in his name that whatever it is will go away. 

            Isaiah chapter 8 says should we not seek God instead of ghosts and things, should we inquire of the dead on behalf of the living.  Absolutely not!!  Don't seek after the belief in ghosts, seek after Jesus. 

            Another big one is Zodiac signs.  By definition the Zodiac is an ancient system of divination based on belief that the stars can influence the fate or behavior of men and the general course of human events.  The bible is clear that we are to stay away from things like witchcraft and divination and we should no look to anything to influence our behavior or the purpose of our lives.  We are to look to God for those things. 

            Genesis 1:14 says, the stars and constellations were created by God to tell seasons and keep the yearly calendar.  Why would we look to anything in creation is influence us when we can go right to the Creator himself for influence on our behavior and purpose.  Deuteronomy says that when we look to creation not the Creator for anything that is idolatry, plain and simple. 

            Friends, checking your Horoscope or being in the know with regards to your Zodiac sign is having an idol, period.  You might says, well how come the description of me from the Horoscope is so accurate?  Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps you are that way because of the season or time of the year you were born and not because of the set of stars that happen to be in the sky at that particular time?  Since you were born in such and such a month you learn to adapt and adjust to the weather climates and patterns and that is what makes you stubborn or easy going.  Or could it be that that is the way God created you? 

            John 14 says that the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send, is the one who will influence you, teach you all things, not the stars.  To look to the stars for anything in your life other than the time of year it is, is idolatry and we can't have anything in the place of God or before God. 

            These are only two specific areas but the list could go on and on.  But now I want to shift gears and look at the way our culture thinks and how that differs from how we are to set our minds on things above. 
            All throughout the Old Testament God places huge emphasis on the value of Human Life.  The scriptures are peppered with phrases like protect the innocent, give a voice to those who don't have it, seek justice, look out for orphans and widows, defend the fatherless, I mean it's all over the place.  Human life is a big deal to God and in today's society we just don't get how precious life really is.

          This subject covers a whole host of issues.  When we think about the value of human life and what a big deal it really is, we get into entertainment issues, political arenas, sporting events and literary fiction the list goes on and on. 

            Psalm 8 says, "when I look at your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?  You have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."  God created human life and He holds it in the highest of value, all human life.  There is not a person on this earth that he did not put here for the purpose of loving and having a relationship with them.  In the whole creation account, mankind is the only creation that God did personally, with his hands.  Everything in creation God spoke into being, but with man and woman God formed them from the ground. 

            In our thinking, in every area of life, as followers of Jesus we need to place an extremely high value on human life.  In our culture today life is not valued.  We see this in entertainment; sports and movies that are coming out.  Abortion is such a hot button issue that boils down to whether you value human life or not.  Every year billions of dollars pour into pornography, an industry that completely dehumanizes women and sexual relationships and now even erotic literature has become a norm.  Even something as simple as fashion of our culture undermines the value of life by exposing more and more, it is completely turning humans into nothing more than animals.  All of these issues are so destructive because they seek to destroy the value of life, which should be held in the highest regard. 

            Friends we need to view our culture through the filter of our faith not the other way around.  When we view issues in the bible or in the world through the culture we live in we completely miss out on the things above that we should be focusing on.  When we focus on earthly things we miss out on the greatness that Jesus has in store for us as his followers. God places a huge, huge, huge value on human life.

            I want to close with a little observation.  In our church this will be the third message preached from Colossians chapter 3 in a matter of a few weeks...I think God is trying to tell us something.  I think God is telling us as individuals and a church body that it is time to really set our hearts and minds on things above.  It's really time to get serious about viewing earthly things in their proper place.  It's time to see the greatness that Jesus has in store for us and say to our friends, neighbors and the community around us, look at the awesome things that we have found in Jesus, this will completely outweigh anything this culture has to offer you.  Jesus is so much greater than anything this world will give you when you focus on this culture, when you focus on earthly things you miss out of the greatness Jesus has waiting for us.  

May our LORD be with you

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