Thursday, September 27, 2012

The After (High School) Life

Here is an excerpt of a book that i am writing for teens.  Let me know what you think!!

The After (High School) Life
            I often think back to my own High School days...oh (not) so long ago.  I think about all the popular people, all the drama people, all artsy people, all the smart people, all the sporty people and I think about how I didnt fit into any of those categories.  Looking back I can safely say I was pretty much invisible in High School.  I mean I did have friends and people that I cared deeply about but in the grand scheme of my High School class, I was like the invisible man.  When I think about all that two words come to mind...THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!
            I like the fact that I was invisible, that I missed out of 95% of all the junk that an adolescent has to wade through during those years of your life.  The problem for you reading this is the amount of stuff you have to deal with is much deeper and thicker than when I went through it.  Whether you are a believer in God or not I want to be there to applaud you and give you an epic high five if and when you make it out on the other side of High School without too many emotional or psychological scars.  When I went to High School I like think of all the drama and stuff I dealt with (this does not include academic stuff) as a sprinting race.  Only Im not on a racing track, Im standing in a field of mud and gunk, up to my knees and I have to wade through all of it in order to finish the race.  When I got to the finish line, they handed me my diploma and a nice pat on the back saying, Those were the best years of your life.  I thought if those were the best years of my life, I want to quit life right now, cause if that is the best life has to offer, life didnt do a very good job. 
            For you, however, the amount of muck you have to run through is way past your knees, its more like at your waist.  When I hear about things that teens are going through today, its like someone decided you should skip learning how to grow up and just expects you to be grown up.  I cant believe what I hear my some of my students telling me is going on in their schools.  Teens, kids making decisions that affect the rest of their lives and setting them on a path of death and total heartache and they dont even realize it.  Teens dealing with subjects like sex, homosexuality, smoking all kinds of wacky and awful stuff, drugs, alcohol, deep depression and the list could go on and on.  Why are the best years of your life so terrible? 
            I want you to hear this, what I am about to say.  If you are bored out of your mind reading my book and are thinking about putting it down, just give me one more paragraph.  Then you can throw my book out for all I care, but I want you hear this next statement and really think about it to the point of believing it as the truth (cause it is).  YOUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT, THE BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE.  They are so far from the best years of your life, the true best years make High School look like that movie with the great trailer, but soooo disappointing when you actually go and see it. 
Your High School Years are NOT the best years of your life!!!
            I cant say it enough, if fact I think I might just randomly put it in other places in this book, just to remind you, if in fact you keep reading.  But if I am boring you now, you have my permission to put this book down because I have said my main point.  Your High School years are NOT the best years of your life.  If you want to find out why....keep reading.
            See the problem is when you are told that these are the best years of your life (which they are NOT) you never want to grow up and really experience the best years.  When those are the best years youve had, you spend the rest of your life (missing the best years) trying to relive and recreate those 4 years and you never really grow up and become an adult.  I could give you so many examples of people I know, who are adults in age, but are still in High School in the way they think, because they bought into this bologna that the best years are back there and not in front of them. 
            My friends listen to what I am writing to you.  Life is so much more than the drama you go through in High School.  There is life (great, wonderful, exciting life) after you get out of School.  I work with students from the grades of 5 to 12 and I cant tell you how much they dont know.  I hear them say all the time about this and that happening in school and I just want to shout at them, NONE OF THIS CRAP IS GOING TO MEAN ANYTHING IN 10 YEARS!!!!!!!!!  Students worry and obsess about things they are going through now that do not amount to anything in the grand scheme of life.  Do you know what the popular people in my generation got out of being popular, when they were in school....not a darn thing. 
            They other week I was looking through my Senior Yearbook (talk about self-inflicted torture) and I came to the Best of Pages.  You know best eyes, best actor, best school spirit, best smile, most likely to succeed, and so on and so forth.  Those people in those pictures, did they get anything out of those awards?, no, not a single thing but a picture in a book, which for most normal people will sit on a book shelf and collect dust. 
            If you get voted for one of those awards, good for you!!  That truly is great for you; Im not trying to diminish that recognition in anyway.  What Im saying is realize that even though that is a good thing, in the grand scheme of life, it really doesnt matter. 
            Most of you may be thinking that Im just bashing High School, especially if you are having or had a good High School experience and I want you to know Im not.  My intention here is not to use this book as a platform for my verbal vomit about the awfulness of High School.  If you had/are having a good High School experience, that is great!!  I am truly happy for you.  My intention is to get you to see that there is life after High School and getting all wrapped up in the drama and social system can lead to consequences that set you up for failure for the rest of your life. 

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