Monday, December 12, 2011


For the past few months I have been undergoing the process of getting my annual license with the Churches of God ERC. Part of that process involves taking a few Psych examines. I was in every sense of the word NOT looking forward to taking these examines or finding out the results. In fact in my meeting with the Vocations Board they asked me my thoughts on the exams and I said, "I really did not enjoy them, I find it unnerving poking around in my own psyche."

However this experience was not a total bust. As much as I didn't want to explore my own person and brain I did find out some very enlightening information that i believe will help make me a better disciple, husband, father and pastor. One area that I scored very low in was Self-Discipline. Now for those of you who know me, this probably did not come as a surprise but to be honest, it shocked me. Not that I scored low but that I scored as low as I did. I never realized it was that bad. I always thought, I let myself slide on one or two things but I scored in the "loose cannon" category. (By the way that is not an actual category, I just made that up)

So this has forced me to think about myself and things that God said in Scripture. Self-Control is one of the RESULTS of the Spirit. One of the defining marks of a disciple and follower of Christ is that they are able to control themselves.


Control ourselves in what area?

Every Area!!!

Do you find yourself making statements like, "I know I shouldn't eat this but...." or "I know this isn't good for me but..." or "I should really get out of bed but..." or "I should really go to bed but..." or "I know it's not right but I just want to..."

We allow our impulses, our stomachs, our sinfulness to control and dictate our lives rather than living by God's standards and His Word.

Let me give you my situation. I struggle with doing devotion on a daily basis. Which is REALLY, REALLY bad. I am a pastor and I need to be in the word everyday. If I am not feeding myself how can I have anything to feed others. This is an area where I struggle with self-control, getting my butt out of bed in the morning, no matter how tired I am and getting into the word and prayer, spending quality time with God. There are many other examples I could give but I think you get the point.

So the question is now, what do we do? How do we become more self-controlled.

First identify the areas in your life that have an affect on your walk with the LORD and that you have been either giving yourself too much slack or have no discipline. For example, God has given me a gift for playing the guitar and I use it to lead others in worship every Sunday, but I don't practice on my own very much to become better. I need to buckle down and work at making myself better in this gift that God has given me. It will help me in leading the band at Church, the people in the congregation and be a testament to God's goodness and gifts in my life.

1-Identify your slack

Second notice a few things about the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control). In this list where does self control fall? The last slot! Was this done on purpose? Maybe! But the fact is the text has it last, but you would think it would be first, right?

If we are to have all of these results would it not make sense to FIRST be self controlled? You would think but that is not the case. Self control is something that we work on but it is not an effort we have to practice alone. God, is right here with us helping us along the way. Remember when we have the spirit we are not just SELF. We have the Spirit living and dwelling within us. So we need to lean heavily on God to help us become more self-controlled, we cannot do it on our own, otherwise (I think) it would have been first on the list, or a prerequisite for the Fruit of the Spirit.

Second- Lean on God

Third, it is always a good idea to have some kind of accountability. Godly people in your life who are struggling too but who can come along side you and help you in the areas you want to improve. This can be scary because you are opening yourself up, showing people you struggles and shame and dark secrets. The things is you are not alone in this, we all have them. Don't view your struggles as things to hide, view them as things to improve on so God can be glorified through you. I don't know about you but that is one of the coolest things I've heard all day. God could receive Glory and Praise because of the things that I struggle with. That sounds like GOOD NEWS, does it not?

Third-find some accountability

So I have pointed out to you the one of the area I need help with selfandspirit controlling, what is yours? What are some things you can or need to do to be more self disciplined? Identifying these areas and working on them will help to draw you closer to God and make you a better follower and person, making you more effective for the kingdom!

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