Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Confession Time

It really bugs me when I have long periods of no writing. I feel like I let myself down, I let the people who read this (if there are any) down and I feel like I let God down. But there is a greater sin that disappointment, that is doing this for my glory and gain. When I discovered that I kinda had a nack for writing, I decided right away that I would use it for God's glory and not my own. I would love to be an author of some kind, as long as God is glorified through it.

So call it impatience or restlessness, whatever. I have not written anything in a few months and I was really feeling the itch, but also feeling not ready. As I said in one of my previous posts God has been teaching and growing me in the last few months. But I was chomping at the bit to write...so I did.

I don't know what you think, but my last two posts have not felt right. They have felt awkward at best. I'm not saying that God can't use them to speak to someone, He is Soverign. I just haven't felt right.

Then it hit me, I have been writing things about God, without feeling the inspriration of God. Why?? Because I wanted to put stuff out there. See I have this terrible longing to be well known or famous in the "Christian community" for my amazing writings and thinking. I see guys like John Piper, Francis Chan, Rob Bell and others and think, "Man, I want to be in the spotlight just like them." The only problem is, when I pull the spotlight off of Jesus and onto myself I have completely lost the purpose and focus of my writing. Even when I'm writing about God, I, personally have to stay focused on God. When I begin to focus on myself and wanting the credit and acclaim for anything, I have spat in God's face.

So....I am sorry. I aplologize to you (the reader), I ask forgiveness from the LORD for this fault in myself. Even I have to go long periods without writing, I will not writing or say anything with out the prompting of the LORD. That is just the way it has to be.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Old Memories

For the past couple of days more and more photos with me in them have been appearing on facebook. Not just any photos. Photos taken during my childhood and teen years, mostly at YFC functions or hanging out with YFC people. This has stirred within myself some very strange feelings. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing and laughing at the "good ole days," but most of the time when I can be found in a photo, the image makes me want to die!!

Why, oh WHY!!! did I ever let myself do some of the things I did or let myself be photographed doing them. Now I realize that in the grand scheme of things this is not a big deal and the embarrassment is mostly shared by everyone else, so like I said not a big deal. We all did crazy things in our youth and especially if you were a "YFCer" crazy and embarrassing was part of the deal.

I have never thought of myself as a sentimental or nostalgic kind of a man but I have to say these photos have provoked some deep thinking with in me. I look back on my photographed childhood and think, "Was I ever crazy and at times immature." Not only do I think about my teen years but the years leading up to and after high school. I think about the paths I have taken to lead me to the place I am at right now. Life certainly has not turned out the way I planned and thought it should. Don't get me wrong I would not trade my experiences and my life for anything. I couldn't imagine my life without Abby and Zion, even though when I was 14 and these photos were taken I didn't know her or even think, "hey some day I'm gonna marry that girl."

All of the choices I have made, the achievements (though few), the failures (though many), all of it has played a significant part in shaping the person I am today. Even though there are some things in my life I wish I could improve or change, i can find contentment knowing that God has been guiding me this whole time.

Most of us who are followers of Christ know that verse in Jeremiah that says I know the plans I have for declares the LORD, plans for a hope and future, for good not evil. Even though God was speaking to the Jews I believe this verse can apply to each of us individually.

Think about this!!

We have the freedom of choice, God does not make us do anything, we have freewill. However, do not forget the kind of limitless, infinite God we serve.


When I look at these photos and reflect on all the bad choices I have made I don't come down on myself, I realize that the God who loves me without end has taken my decisions and used them for His purposes. So even though I am not where I think I should, I know that because of my relationship with Jesus I am right where He wants me.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's been too long!!

The title really says it all. It has been way too long since I wrote on of these. I have to confess, I always feel guilty when I neglect this and not write anything for a long time. My last post was in January, that is just pathetic.

However, this time I am approaching resurrection of my "blogging" (I hate 21st century terms like that) in a totally different way. I see now that those times when I don't write anything for an extended period, those are the times that God teaches me the most and hopefully the times that I learn the most. All the ideas I get for my writing and sermons and such comes from these times of silent growth. I truly hope that this time I can keep up with this and produce more devotionals but I don't feel so bad leaving such a long time period in between times when I'm really cranking them out and when I have nothing to say.

I do apologize to any of you out there who enjoying reading these. I don't mean to purposefully neglect writing (and anyway y'all should be reading and studying on your own). But it is in these times that God teaches me and I actually have something to write about down the road.

It has been a wild couple of months. With the church planting going up and down, back and forth and finally landing at a place we can let God do his thing, I have learned a great and grown a great amount.

That is the point though isn't it??

Something that God has been laying on my heart recently is what the bible calls sanctification. Which is a big fancy word that means the process God takes us through to take on more godly characteristics and become more like him. Rich Mullins once said "God became one of us, so we could become more like Him."

I have been more and more convicted that if I am not growing and maturing in my relationship with God and becoming closer to him, than I am staying stagnate and in essence dying. As followers of Christ we should be striving to grow closer to God and falling more in love with Jesus. He himself said if you love me you will obey my commands. To obey the commands of Christ is in itself to draw closer to him. You can't have one without the other.

Paul says in Galatians that we should walk by the Spirit. I believe that is allowing God to transform and change you. Don't think that it can't happen to you. Sometimes when I look at people like Francis Chan or John Piper, I think that could never be me. But the only thing they and others have going to keeping in step with the Spirit. Paul also says that we should say Yes to the Spirit and not the desires of the flesh. When we say yes to the Spirit and no to the flesh (because they are polar opposite) we are becoming more like God.

Are you striving or even wanting to be more like God or take on more godly characteristics? I'm not trying to sound judgemental but if you claim to be a "Christian" but have no change in your life or desire to change anything in your life, I would rethink that title you give yourself. Like I said I don't want to come off judgemental but I think the time has come for truth and not political correctness. Paul said if there is one who claims to be a believer but their life does not reflect it, cast him out and let him come to repentance.

Read the bible for yourself and see if your life matches up with what God is calling His people too. If you are not growing and maturing or obey Jesus' commands...really what is the point of calling yourself a follower??