Friday, November 4, 2011


A few years ago I made the mistake of getting into the show LOST. I say mistake because the show really sucks you in and gets you hooked. Even though most people hated the way the show ended, i still really enjoy it. In fact I have started to watch it again, every now and then. I'm only in season 1 and probably won't go much farther than that but as I have been watching it, a funny idea came to my mind.

This show is all about humans interacting with each other in this crisis situation. The reason it was so successful was the drama that was created by each character looking after their own interests, not caring about anyone else, back stabbing each other, etc. As people watched week after week, they feed off the dramatic situations of human no being able to live together peaceably.

I wonder what the show would have been like if every survivor was a follower of Christ. It would probably be beautiful and boring to watch, not much drama at all. They would have formed a community, shared each other's possessions, did what was best for each other rather than looking after self. Sure there would be the initial shock of living through a plane crash, but after everyone got their head on straight it would have been great. I could see the survivors sharing possessions and each other's burdens (that is another hook for the show, every character has a past). Living in a way that is true community.

Guess what? This is the way it should really be with us as followers of Christ. If we truly want to live out and carry out the mission Jesus set before us, living in community is where it starts. There is no plane crash for all of us to get over, but people are heading towards a Christ-less eternity and I think that is a lot worse. We were called to engage our neighbors and be the Light of the world and Salt of the earth in our communities.

Maybe God is calling you to start a small Life group in your home? Maybe an outreach/service group in your church? It doesn't have to be complicated or elaborate, find something you and your non-believing friends have in common and start up a group. Invite some people who are in the dark into your light, so that they can see their in the dark.

Jesus has called us to build communities and reach the people in our world with the Gospel.

Today could be your day 1

May our LORD be with you

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