Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Growing into Greatness

The life of Peter has always amazed me. I don't know if you know this but the

book of Mark is really the book of Peter. Back then computers were known as people
who knew how to write. Peter wrote his book through a man named John Mark. John
Mark was able to write so Peter dictated his account of Jesus to Mark and Mark wrote it
down, which is why to book is called the gospel of Mark and not the gospel of Peter.
Either way you look at it the gospel is about Jesus, but the life and story of Peter always
fascinates me.

I recently read through the book of Mark. Knowing that this is the account of
Jesus through Peter's eyes makes the book a little more interesting when you read it.
You can find personality traits of Peter scattered all throughout the text. For example
we know Peter to be a man of rash action rather than well thought out planning.
Throughout the book the word "Immediately" seems to appear quite often. Jesus
immediately got into the boat and went to the other side and immediately a crowd came
upon him and he immediately began to heal the sick and immediately they were get the point. Another example is the account of when Peter denied
Jesus. In this gospel it is particularly detailed.

I say all this to bring up this point. Peter is known to all believers as one of the
giant heroes of the faith but the thing is he didn't start out that way. He made a lot of
mistakes, even to the point of denying that he knew Jesus, pretty much to his face. We
know him as this great man of God who wrote beautiful material and theology on our
faith but Jesus knew him as the blundering idiot who put his foot in his mouth more
often than not. Yet Jesus still said of Peter, "upon this rock, I will build my church".

I don't know where you are at today. But I can tell you that Jesus loves you more
than you could ever comprehend and he wants to use you in his high risk endeavors.
You may feel more like the blundering Peter than the faith giant Peter...that is okay.
Jesus did not write Peter off the first time he made a mistake and he will never do that
to you either.

Being a Christian is not a one time thing; say a prayer and you are perfect, it is
life changing and growing experience. Peter didn't go from fisherman to Saint right
when Jesus said "follow me", he grew into the greatness we know of him today and the
same is true for you and me. We can be great followers of Christ, even though we don't
feel that way sometimes, it is still true, we can be great just like Peter. Friends, the key is that
we need to realize that we need to go through the growing process and take the right steps
towardJesus.  When we stumble and fall get up, learn from the mistake, ask for forgiveness
and use the experience to draw closer to Jesus. 

Christ wants to use you to change the world. Yes, YOU!!! The broken, sinful,
wretch that you are, he wants to use you, the same way he used Peter. I encourage
you, stay the course, follow after Christ and remember, Peter started out just as much
of a mistake maker as you and me.
May our LORD be with you

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