On Wednesday my buddy Malachai poked fun at me for this, calling me a Pharisee. I know he was joking but he actually really hit on a topic concerning fasting. The Pharisees used to stand in the middle of the street and pray outloud about the pains they felt in their stomachs because they were fasting. they felt they were so much better than everyone else because they would publicly be followers of God.
While fasting we really aren't suppose to make a big deal about it because then the reward for this discipline become the recognition we recieve rather than the spiritual benefits we gain from taking the time out to pray and seek the LORD's face.
I have been reminded of a truth that I forgot but should have seen coming. when you make a declaration that you are doing something to grow coloser to God the enemy really hits you hard trying to knock you down. I have really felt the the attacks of the enemy during even the first two days of this. I am glad I made this know to people so I can be held accountable.
Something to keep in mind though when fasting is your motives. What are you really doing this for, when you start make that clear to yourself and the LORD.
I am really expecting the LORD to do some amazing things in the lives of these students.
May our LORD be with you
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