Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No substitutes, no additives

I heard a saying a few days ago; "If you don't believe in something, you will believe anything,".

I think that saying really resonates with my topic of choice for today.

I am reading through the book of Isaiah and I came across a verse in Chapter 8, it says this; "And when they say to you, 'Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,' should not a people inquire of their God?  Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?" (Isaiah 8:19).

A few months ago my wife was at a ladies church tea and overheard a conversation from some of the women who attend our church.  They were talking about their houses being haunted by ghosts and/or spirits. This trend is not uncommon, we always have debates in Youth Group about ghosts and haunting and such.

Frankly this whole argument makes me utterly sick to my stomach.  Not because I am afraid of ghosts, my view is quite the contrary.  I CANNOT believe that people who claim to follow Jesus would give any kind of credit, credence, or acknowledgement to such things.  I apologize but this is one of those subjects where I will get on my soap box and scream.  It is completely appalling to me to believe in ghosts, ghouls or haunting in any capacity.

Now that is not to say that there is no such thing as a Spirit real or world, if you like, the bible is clear that such a matter exists.  However let us look at this logically.  We humans are a Spirit with a body.  When the body stops working and we die, what happens to our Spirit.  The book of Hebrews says that it is appoint for every man to live once, then judgement.  The word judgement here is referring to how we spend eternity (spirit world after our bodily death).  We either spend eternity with God or apart from God, there is no other option.  So ghosts or spirits being on earth is impossible in that sense.

We know that in the Spiritual realm there are such things as angels and demons.  The bible makes it clear that demons try to pull us away from the truth of God's word and angels are sealed for God's work.  So following this logical patterns, angels can only do what God tells them but demons try and turn us away from God's truth.

So my question is why when something strange in our house happens we automatically think it must be a ghost and revel in such things.  When those women were talking they were eating up the stories that were being told.  That kind of talk and subject does not glorify God, quite the opposite!!

My point to this rambling is, if we are going to claim to believe in Jesus, let us believe in Jesus, 100%.  No additives, no other beliefs.  Belief in ghosts is a great way of ripping you away from the truth of God's word.

If you claim to believe in Jesus, believe in Jesus.  No substitutes, no additives.

John 14:15- "If you love me you will keep my commandments." Jesus speaking!

may our LORD be with you

Monday, August 27, 2012

Being called out

It has been a frustrating couple of weeks.  I am having a bit of difficulty with Youth leadership (or lack there of) in our Youth group.  This problem has been an ongoing issue for the past year or two.  In addition to that I have had a few frustrations that I am trying to work through and resolve.

I say that to make a long story short.  I will not name, names because I am not into that but I have had a young lady, who is a dear friend, helping out with the youth group and other things.  Over the course of the past few months she has had some changes and adjustments and so her aid has been limited.  As a result of her limits and my heaping distress, I had been unintentionally taking out my frustrations on her.  Nothing overtly mean, but subtle, curt, short responses.  My attitude and demeanor would change quickly when she would tell me she couldn't help out or stay the whole time.

Now I have always tried to be one who lets things role off my back, so I would try and put on a "That's cool," or "It's not problem" face but the truth is, inside I was getting more and more angry.

I am a big believer in Behavior Psychology.  I believe that we as humans have a Psychological element to our make up.  We can't stuff emotions or thoughts down and forget about them, one way or another they will find a way to come out and be expressed.  So that happy face I tried to put on would often be replaced by my angst.

So this past Sunday morning we had an encounter and I tried to put on that happy face but it was fruitless, she could see right through it and I'm sure glad she did.  Later that day she confronted me and ask me straight up if we were okay.  In that moment I was totally convicted by the Holy Spirit.  I had been acting like a real jerk to someone who did not deserve it.  She was not the problem, my attitude was the problem.

Now the lesson here is in what happened next, I didn't make excuses, I did explain myself and the situation, but I asked for forgiveness right then and there.  I admitted that I had been a jerk and I was wrong, and I needed to make amends with my friend.  She was the picture of God's amazing grace even though I didn't deserve it, she forgave me and everything was made right.

The bible says that we are to forgive as God forgave us.  Period.  If you are a follower of Jesus you know how much God has forgiven you and you are to extend that same amount of forgiveness to everyone else.

Jesus told a story of a man whom had been forgiven a debt that he would never be able to pay back, but then went out and threw his buddy in jail over a debt of five bucks!  That guy did not understand forgiveness, nor did he really appreciate the forgiveness he was given.

When we don't forgive others, we don't appreciate the forgiveness God has given us.  We need to forgive as God has forgiven us...completely.

Also we need to not hold onto feeling of bitterness and anger.  I was doing that and it was hurting my friendship, even if I didn't mean it to.  Those feelings can really mess you up.  The bible says to let go of those feeling, rid yourself of them.

In addition we need to admit when we are wrong, or have done something wrong.  The truth is I had been wanting to talk to her about this for a while but I always put it off or forgot about it, but that didn't help the situation.  When you are in the wrong, ask for forgiveness, clear the air right away, don't hold onto it.

It is such an awesome thing to forgive others and be the one who is forgiven.

May our LORD be with you

I added a song, enjoy!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Could not say it better myself!!

I love writing.  I love doing this blog.  But sometimes it is best if I shut my yapper and let someone else do the talking, especially when that someone else is Jesus.

We were discussing Matthew Chapter 18 yesterday, talking about temptation, sin, causing each other to stumble, forgiveness and forgiving each other.  During one of the section we came across this verse that made me think of our Youth girls.

Jesus is speaking here, Matthew 18:6, "but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."


Talk about the love of Jesus!  Those are some pretty intense words.

Now the reason I thought about the Youth girls with this verse is because we have had the argument with them about wearing modest clothing.  We have brought up the point that wear clothing that has low amounts of fabric and thus exposes great amounts of skin, contributes to the male battle with staying on the pure and NOT lustful road.  There argument of course is, it's not their problem if a guys sins because of what they are wearing, that is on the guy.  Then others make it clear that they love the attention they receive from the male population when they wear skimpy clothing...but is that the kind of attention a girl should desire from a guy?!?

Like I said earlier sometimes it's best to let someone else do the talking.  I found this article on, talking about this very subject.  Here is the link.

check it out!!

Remember the words of Jesus, if you cause someone else in the faith to sin...the results are not good!!

May our LORD be with you

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ministry Mishaps

I read recently in a book that all believers should read through the book of Acts at least once a year.  I found this statement interesting because I am currently reading through the book of Acts.

So today I came across this story that always makes me a little sad.  It is found in Acts 15:36-41.  It is the story of Paul and Barnabas separating.  I can't help it, every time I read this story it makes me feel slightly discouraged.  Not because I foresee this happening in my own ministry but, I suppose I see Paul and Barnabas as a great team and it makes me sad that a great team like that split.

The situation went like this, Paul and Barnabas had just returned from the Jerusalem Council.  At this point they had already completed one missionary trip, planting several church, now Paul and Barny were getting ready to set out on their second mission excursion.  Barny wanted to bring along John Mark (the author of the gospel from Mark).  Scholars report that John Mark was somehow related to Barnabas, so we can see he had a connection with this guy.  Paul however did not want John Mark to come along on this trip, and that was the crux of their argument.  John Mark had come along on the first trip and left them to go back home.  So this time Paul refused to bring him along because he felt he was unreliable and Barny disagreed, thus the split.

Now the story doesn't end there, in the book of Philemon, Paul mentions that Mark is there with him as well as several other saints.  So ultimately the story ends on a happy note but still the beginning of it makes me sad.

I guess I think about my own ministry when I read this story.  I think about the people that are involved with me, that trust me if I am the one in charge.  I know we all may have differing opinions about the work that we do, different gift, different methods and we all read the scriptures and see different things because that is one of the ways God works on us.  If we all saw the same things when we read the bible, there would be nothing to learn from each other.  God created us like a body, each having a different function but ultimately operating as one.  However, will all our differences, it could be easy for conflict and disagreements to arise.

In my quote book I wrote down a fortune I got from a cookie once, that really sums up what I am getting at here.  Conflict should never be about victory but progress.

Conflict should never be about victory bur progress.

When we disagree and see things differently I think there are a few things we need to consider.

1. Find middle ground.  Part of progress is growing as an individual.  Maybe through a situation of conflict God is trying to grow you and stretch you.  Be open to meeting someone half way and allow yourself to grow from the experience.
Now in this I need to say that there may be situation where you cannot, I repeat cannot, compromise.  The biggest example is anything that contradicts the truth of scripture.  If you are in a conflict with someone over something that is clear in scripture, do not budge.  As I said earlier, we each will learn different things from reading our bibles but the basic truths should never differ.  We may glean different lessons from scripture but the truth of scripture is eternal.

2. Trust God.  Even though Paul and Barny separated in the end we see Paul had great use for John Mark.  He was one of his comrades, helping and serving with Paul toward the end.  We may get into conflict with others in our own ministry but be honest with each other and trust in God that He knows the end and has it all under control.
Romans 9 says that for all who love God, He work out all things for good.
This is one thing I really struggle with because I don't really enjoy conflict but I need to trust him that if I speak what I feel him leading me too, in the end it will be good.  Even if for the moment I lose a friend or partner in ministry.

Let us not be afraid of conflict but let us also use conflict in our ministries not for victory but for progress.

May our LORD be with you

P.S. Here is a song by Casting Crowns that sums this up quite nicely.